#67: An efficient way to finally become a best-selling author - with Jyotsna Ramachandran

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I have tried to write a book two times now. And like me, I know there are many leaders out there that are trying to write a book or want to write a book at some point.

But that can be so hard!

Putting tons of hours into that book and not knowing if it is going to give you any value can be very demoralizing.

I met up with Jyotsna Ramachandran, Author Success Coach, to discuss some tips about writing a book and the efficient way to finally become a best-selling author!

Who is Jyotsna Ramachandran?

Jyotsna started her business about seven years ago when she had first published her book. That book became a bestseller and soon, people around her started to ask her how she achieved that. After having felt the benefits of being a successful author, she decided to help other leaders achieve the same thing. So she started Happy Self Publishing.

Like the name says, the company focuses mainly on self-publishing. This means the author gets to keep the royalties, gets to retain the rights, and decides – well basically – everything about the book. The company only ensures that the book looks professional by helping with the cover design, the interior design, and the editing.

The benefits of publishing a book

Publishing a book is an amazing medium to reach an audience. Not only the small(er) audience that follows you on social media, but many more people have the chance to get in touch with the knowledge or stories you are providing.

Another benefit of publishing a book is that you can create brand credibility and visibility, which can attract potential customers into your business. Being an expert in a certain area is one thing, but also being a best-selling author gives a lot of prestige and will ultimately help with attracting clients.

When you are trying to promote a course, a book is often used as a gateway to that course; the book teaches you what a certain concept is, the course tells you how to apply that concept. Jyotsna also calls this system the author funnel. So to attract customers to follow a course through a book, you don’t even have to sell millions of copies.

Getting started

For those who haven’t started writing their book yet, here are some tips I discussed with Jyotsna to get going. In a previous podcast, I have talked about the art of storytelling. Storytelling has the ability to make a person care and connect to a situation, through the sharing of common thoughts and emotions. And almost every nonfiction book has an aspect of storytelling in it, without it, the book would just be a boring textbook. Jyotsna told me there are two fundamental aspects to writing a good book.

The first one is storytelling. Don’t be afraid to use anecdotes of your life or your family, friends, or clients’ lives! And the second one is the framework of your book. Before starting to write, you need to choose a writing strategy and set out what exactly it is you want to write about. When deciding that, keep in mind who your target audience is and what they would like to get from your book.

Becoming a best-selling author

There are different definitions for a best-selling book. But in this case, many authors acknowledge the Amazon bestseller chart as a very credible and recognized chart. And hitting the Amazon bestseller chart isn’t all too difficult if you do it the right way!

When it comes to the marketing of publishing a book, there are two parts. The launch marketing and the evergreen marketing plan to continuously keep selling the book. In this episode, we’ll take a look at the first one.

Reaching the bestseller status on websites like Amazon really helps, because it instantly gives your book a lot of visibility. The amazing thing about Amazon’s bestseller chart is that it resets every hour! This means that when you are launching your book and you have got a lot of friends who want to buy it, you can tell them to buy it on the same day! You can also reach out to promotional websites to get help with advertising.
You probably will not make a ton of money on your books in the beginning, so make sure you price discount your e-book to remove the price barrier!
The last thing you have to do to up your chances is to choose the right category. A moderately competitive, but a relative category for your book, increases your chances of hitting the bestseller charts for that category!

Jyotsna’s programs

If you are interested in getting help from Jyotsna and her team, be sure to check out her website, link below!

If you have finished a manuscript, but don’t quite know how to make your book look professional or how to promote it, you can go to her team, who will help you. They will take care of making your book look professional and will also support you to get it on the charts. In fact, in the self-help and business genres, they guarantee a number one bestseller on Amazon.

If you haven’t started writing yet, they also offer an Author Success Coach who knows the publishing market and can help you write a book through weekly meetings!

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