#10 How to Empower everyone? Even average employees

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Everyone has the potential to be great within their own talents. Sometimes you may have a team with people who may need more motivation. I believe that everyone can grow, and everyone can have a defined and meaningful role within their own qualities.

In this week’s episode, I break down the 5 steps to empower and deal with average people in your team.

  1. Believe in People

The first step in empowering an average person is to start believing in him/her. I once had a team manager who lacked confidence and was extremely hard on himself. This made him quite defensive with any form of feedback. What did I do to counteract this? I believed in him. This team manager grew and became a great leader.

  1. Listen with Care

When you listen with care, your team member will begin to find the energy to grow. Maybe one of these team members has not had someone believe in them, has had some challenges in the past, or is quite resigned. Listening with empathy and showing that you care about that team member can allow them to start to accept change. This team member will begin to see new possibilities and even start to believe in themselves. Listening with care, will lead your team to get out of their comfort zone, make mistakes, and even try new things!

  1. Focus on the Processes

Focusing on all aspects of your team is important but so is focusing on the processes. When you put processes in place with your whole team and then you begin to motivate everyone to follow that process, the average people that follow great processes will begin to show great results. Focus on the tasks, your team, and also improving the processes within the team. This will allow your team to continue to grow and get better each year.

  1. What You Focus on Will Grow

If you are constantly focusing on the mistakes and negativity that will start to grow. You have to focus also on the positive people and behaviors. Make sure to reward the behaviors that you would like to see more of. Give attention and celebrate the successes even the smaller successes such as following the processes. By transitioning into a growth mindset and focusing on the processes, your results with follow!

  1. Motivate People to Learn and Grow

If you want to have a great team, you have to have notable people. All levels of your team are capable of becoming great when they learn and grow. Try to motivate everyone in your team to learn. What if people are not motivated to learn or feel they are too busy? I will cover this on the next episode!

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